
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My own little bubble

I'm prone to anxiety. I worry a lot and along with my INTJ Personality Type I am highly sensitive and internalize everything. I feel especially anxious today. I thought about not having a cup of coffee but since I skipped it on Monday, it sounded good today. We are going to be moving the whole month of August. They say that moving is one of the most stressful things and even though this is good and exciting I have never been good with change. We are also going on three years of trying for a second child and it's just not happening. I'm pretty sure I had another chemical pregnancy and I had a rough emotional weekend. Things feel off balance for me not surprisingly.
I think that I hit a point where I just need to lock myself in my own little bubble. It happened a little while ago when I started reading a comments page on Yahoo. I know, I know, that is the worst possible thing to do when I'm feeling like this. It still shocks me how cruel and spiteful people can be to one another and just makes me want to stick my head in the sand. It's especially bad because it's an election year but the vitriol with how people post is scary. More and more I am realizing that I need to keep as much zen in my life as possible.

I need to get back to packing and purging. We get the keys tonight and I can start moving things over tomorrow. Also swimming will probably be happening. Woot!

The girl and I are watching this for the 500th time. Still not tired of it.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Skittles, a Cat and a new address

 It's 11:30, the girl is still up with me (It's summer, c'mon!) and we are watching the Olympics.  I just finished a small bowl of Skittles and my boy kitty has finally settled down to sleep near my head. He was quite clingy earlier and I'm wondering if he senses that we are moving soon. Not far. Just down the road. Bigger house with a pool. Yay!

I should try and go to bed but the summer schedule has me staying up later and sleeping in. I just discovered a group called The Joy Formindable . Actually I have heard if them before, have always liked their name and am now finally checking them out. I'm hooked already. My 40th birthday is less than two months away. Perhaps I'll buy one of  their albums.  Some women buy shoes. I buy music. I-Tunes is my downfall. Since we are moving, I'm trying to curb my purchases. Thank goodness for Spotify.