
Friday, July 26, 2013

Doped up

on Benadryl today. That's right folks, the fleas are back. I don't know what it is about the end of July but it's like they explode out of nowhere. We've got Frontline on the cats now and I treated everything so I think we have it under control. *Knocks wood* I'm allergic and broke out in tiny, itchy, maddening welts but am doing damage control with the Benadryl and not getting bit today helps.

I did however manage to run around my yard today and got the house vacuumed but gave up getting any work done on my sites due to my fog. The rest of the day consisted of me in the recliner hanging with my kiddo and watching bad good daytime TV. A Haunting anyone? And you can't go wrong with House Hunters International. Unfortunately there was no Life Below Zero to flip to during commercials.

So, I'm feeling better and my husband is bringing home Chinese takeout and more Benadryl. Some people are high on life, tonight I will be high on Benadryl and playing World of Warcraft if I don't fall asleep on my key board first.. A wild Friday night.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Light at the end of the lady tunnel.

My anxiety was a bit out whack last night so I toyed with taking one of my five leftover airplane Xanax or a Nerve Tonic. Nerve Tonic ended up winning out even though googling Xanax with Aspirin didn't provide any alarming anecdotes. I ended up laying awake until 2:30 am reading some fiction about a couple that meets on the Pacific Crest Trail and many shenanigans ensue. I woke up at 9:30am and went back to bed at 11:30 to continue reading until 2. This caused me to later download samples of thru hiking tales that are sure to keep me entertained in case sleep alludes me again tonight.

The good news is that my flow is starting to slow. Maybe my hormones will also get back to normal.

I'm hoping to get up a a decent time tomorrow to hit a potential garage sale that may or may not  contain a treadmill. The girl is also having a sleepover tomorrow so I also have to run some errands and tidy up the house.

And with any luck, swimming.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summertime and lady stuff

Loving summer so far. Had a great trip to see family for about 10 days and we are falling into the summer routine of staying up late, sleeping in, doing projects around the house, working, grilling out, swimming and basically just being hermits. 

I have been trying to get back into running and am thinking about trying to run my first 5k in Oct. Unfortunatley I've been having a wicked perimenopausal period and don't necessarily want to go run outside. I have however been jogging around my house at 10 to 12 minutes.

 I also just got paid so I'm considering buying a used treadmill because I'm sure jogging around the house doesn't have the same effect. I did well using the hotel treadmill on vacation and was able to run a bit over a mile without stopping so I'm thinking if I keep at it I should be ready by Oct.

Took a long break from trying to conceive and will be back at it as soon as I finish up my period. 

Girl is going to be 11 in a couple of weeks and my parents will be here to help celebrate. 5th grade starts a couple of weeks after that. I'm already having school dreams. Don't want to think about it. Not ready.